Monday, November 29, 2010

New Christmas ROD!

Ah, I had so much fun completing the last Christmas Rod, I had to make another.  I had more ideas I wanted to try on this one.  Seems that happens when I am creating, one idea springs into 10 more.  I have to write them all done so I don't forget.

This ROD was done again with Christmas colors and a poinsettia theme.  Here are a few photos.

The inside cover is a holly design.

This journal has an added pocket on the inside front cover.

Fused paper was used for the trees.  Can you see the teeny vintage star sequins? 

Two places to store cards and tokens from the holidays.
The journal is 9" x 6" and has 2 signatures and a total of 48 pages (both sides)
It is up for adoption in my Etsy shop.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Christmas ROD Journal

Christmas is my favorite time of the year.  This year I wanted to create a special journal to record all those memories we quickly tend to forget.  And here it is.  I never thought the day would come.

Finally.  Finally I have completed my Christmas ROD journal that I was inspired to create from taking Mary Ann Moss's Remains of the day class.

Whew.....this book is a beauty!!
It is 9" x 6" and thick with 2 signatures with 20 pages each!  The cover is created with velvets, cottons, sparkly fabrics and vintage trims.  I love it!

These are a few of the fabric pocket pages.

For more photos please visit my Flickr Site

This journal is available in my Etsy shop.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Angels and Photoshop

I've been playing with Photoshop today.  Trying to see what will happen with my photos by adding textures and backgrounds.  I am following a tutorial I found on DJ Pettitt's  blog.  I used a few of her backgrounds too.  

This is my original photo that was taken in an old graveyard in Boston's North End. 

Here is one effect I added for the background.  I liked the way this looked when I was creating it, but I am not too sure about how it looks here.  This was done with the overlay technique.

This was another effect  and a different background which looks cool.

Here is one of my Santas with an added background.  I love how this came out.  

I hope to try a few more and print them for use in my journals.