Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sneak peek

Here is a sneak peek at what I am working on this week.  Can you guess what they might be?

This one is kind of easy.  Can you guess?  A wagon and  who is driving it?

What can this one be?  A cute reindeer, and a basket filled with toys.  It's not as easy as it looks.

This is my dog Penny, 9 months old.  She realized this morning that freedom from the yard is just one leap away.  We have so much snow, my fence is not doing it's job.  I just happened to be out there with my camera this morning as she made this discovery.

I can see I will never be able to let her out alone until the snow melts a bit more.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lee
    Penny looks like she's got her sites set on the bigger world at large. LOL.
